Tuesday, January 29, 2008

McCain Wins Florida!!!!

My hero's website. On to Super Tuesday. Please vote for John McCain on 5 Feb 2008. Thank you!

What is Mitt Blabbering About???????

I am listening to Mitt Romney lecture American voters about voting choices and he sounds as if he has drank waaaay too much coffee! REAL Economy? What is that? It's in his DNA?

McCain Wins Florida!!!

Monday, January 7, 2008

NH Chooses .... McCain!

Here's Michaela and I after our afternoon volunteering at McCain HQ in Manchester, NH. Michaela was great making calls to surly and overwhelmed New Hampshire voters. I have been freezing waving signs at the debates, walking door to door. Tomorrow I'll be holding a sign all day at the polls in Derry. I think it is going to be a great day in NH for McCain!!!

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