Thursday, March 5, 2009

Stop the Foolishness

Derry residents deserve better than the pathetic spectacle I witnessed during the last Council meeting. I will admit that I have learned a lot in the last few weeks. I found out that if you have the audacity to voice an opinion that gridlock and Parliamentary posturing are ineffective and embarrassing, then you get attacked by the perennial seat warmers who themselves call Council members "stupid" and "liars." I found that people who support me as a candidate for Council, who bravely have my signs in their yards, have been subject to such viciousness, that I am just plain disgusted. If I seemed unprepared to list my donors, it was because I could not find an elegant way to say that I refuse to subject them to the same viciousness that would certainly have rained down upon them had I left a verbal record in that venue. Apparently, the two seeking re-election will stop at nothing to ensure that Mr. Newell's "tipping point" scheme for controlling the Council is fulfilled (see pg. 18, March 5, 2009 edition of Nutfield News.) I'm confident that the residents of Derry are sick and tired of this foolishness, and will vote to make it stop.

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