Friday, April 18, 2008

Le Centre Bell

CANSEC 018, originally uploaded by reenie61b.

We had so much fun at the Bruins game!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Hockey Night in Canada

Dave and I are in Montreal. We wore our Bruins sweaters to the Bruins vs. Canadiens game tonight. I once again came to the conclusion that we both suck. Together, separately, it doesn't matter. Every person in the city of Montreal said so and well, it must be true. Canadians are very passionate about hockey, that's for sure. I think that's why we like coming here so much. Boston fans are a bit spoiled. Everything is Red Sox. Looking at today, you would hardly know that the Bruins were playing a critical playoff game. But we certainly know everything about Jonathan Papelbon. Regardless, we enjoyed our time here and most people were good sports. The ones who were insulting us in French were a riot. I'd just smile and look at them. "I don't understand a freiking word you are saying." Whatever.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Cherry Blossoms

Wash DC April 2008 016, originally uploaded by reenie61b.

Some things are so beautiful they take your breath away. This picture does not do justice to how lovely the National Mall is during the Cherry Blossom Festival.

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