This is a picture of one of our beautiful sunsets here in Baghdad. It might be because of the light filtering through all the sand in the air that makes it so pretty, but it may be also because things are so bleak, vegetation-wise around here, God thought to give us pretty sunsets all the time. I saw some pretty pink flowers on a tree the other day. I have to go get a picture of them because they are out of the ordinary.
You can see Saturn and Jupiter pretty brightly here now. Saturn was so bright I thought it was Venus at first but it was too high in the sky. There is a lot of light pollution here, mostly because of us Americans, but you can still see a ton of constellations. For some reason, the Army insists on having a night flag football league. It's not that hot here during the day now, but whatever. They have generators running at about a million decibels powering lights bright enough to alert people that might live on Neptune that there is a football game on. The Iraqis have about three hours of electricity a day because of rationing. If I were Iraqi, I would mortar the football game, just on general principles. But apparently nobody is too concerned about that happening.
I am trying to learn about how Iraqis think about things. They are very indirect communicators, meaning, they beat around the bush and think those who just say what they mean are rude. Hence, they usually think all Americans are rude. But they try to adapt to us and we try to adapt to them. All of the Iraqis I've met are very nice and like to hear that we are passionate about helping them bring peace and democracy to their country. Enough for now! See ya!
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