This is a mural on one of the walls at Camp Stryker. It is supposedly of the Iran-Iraq war. We look at it when we are waiting for the bus to take us back to Camp Victory. I wonder if that would irritate Saddam? Hmmmm, anyway, back to Mr. Authoritative. Last night I was rudely interrupted while watching on my new laptop the first episode of South Park from a pirated "compleat set" that I bought in the "Haji Mart" for 20 bucks. I was just laughing at Cartman setting the cat on fire when I started hearing AK-47 fire. A LOT of AK-47 fire which has a pretty unmistakable sound to it. So Nancy, Kristy and I looked at each other over our laptop screens and decided we were going to go investigate this. Stepping out of our tent we see tracer rounds sort of in the distance, but flying all over the place. Then we hear some 50cal rounds going off and start thinking that this beginning to be irritating. Enter Mr. Authoritative - he comes sauntering over with his kevlar helmet and flak vest with no shirt underneath - yuck! For some reason, Mr. Authoritative sees three female military officers and thinks "Damsels in distress! I must save them!" So he and his barely shaving companion decide that they are going to tell us all about how they had heard that the insurgents were going to be attacking the compound in advance of the elections and that this was what was happening. I told him that I thought there would be a HELL of a lot more outgoing fire if that were true and Nancy said that it looks like they are shooting straight up. Just then the "Big Voice" comes over the loudspeaker and says "ATTENTION Camp Victory, we are NOT under attack. What you are hearing is celebratory gunfire because of the Iraqi national soccer team's victory. Stay indoors until further notice." Well, Mr. Authoritative vanished into thin air. It was amazing. We couldn't stop laughing. Now we think we know why the Iraqis are so angry. They don't get enough sleep! They stay up all night shooting into the air, then the Allah Akbar Guy wakes them up at 0500 to pray. Well, I'm off to bed. Hopefully no more soccer games.
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